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How to Build Genuine Brand Partnerships with Influencer Seeding

26 Apr  · 
3 min read
Influencer / KOL Marketing


Authentic connections between brands and creators are paramount for success. But how can emerging brands establish these relationships? 

Enter influencer seeding, a tactic that's reshaping the landscape of brand promotion.

Influencer seeding is more than just sending free products to influencers, it's about fostering genuine connections and building brand awareness. 

Let's delve into what influencer seeding entails and how it can propel your business forward.

Understanding Influencer Seeding

Influencer seeding involves sending free products to influencers without any contractual obligations, where they may or may not post about the gifted items. 

Conversely, others view it as a barter, exchanging products for posts or other forms of promotion.

Here, we adopt the former perspective, a gesture of goodwill from brand to creator, free from strings or expectations.

Initiating a budding partnership with complimentary offerings lays a foundation of goodwill, fostering rapport without consuming significant resources.

Why Embrace Influencer Seeding?

Influencer seeding emerges as a dynamic strategy to tap into the potential of micro-influencers. 

Scaling up swiftly becomes a tangible goal with this method, effortlessly connecting you with a multitude of fresh creators.

Diving into the realm of influencer seeding significantly slashes the time investment required for fostering individual relationships with influencers. 

Moreover, the associated costs of establishing these connections take a noticeable dip.

Pros of Influencer Seeding

Authentic connections: Influencer seeding facilitates the discovery of creators genuinely passionate about your brand. 

Authenticity reigns supreme in the influencer landscape; when creators sincerely endorse a product they use and love, their audience can discern the genuineness. 

By furnishing creators with your products gratis, you afford them the opportunity to sample and evaluate, paving the way for potential fruitful partnerships rooted in genuine affinity.

Relationships amplified: A strategic influencer seeding approach serves as a catalyst for nurturing robust relationships en masse. 

Who doesn’t appreciate a thoughtful gift? Brands extending gestures of appreciation through complimentary products often resonate deeply with creators, bolstering rapport effortlessly. 

Such gestures signal wholehearted endorsement of creators' content, fostering an environment conducive to enduring relationships.

Cons of Influencer Seeding

Content uncertainty: Unlike structured content arrangements where creators commit to posts in exchange for complimentary products, influencer seeding lacks the assurance of content creation. 

While some creators may organically feature the products they genuinely admire, such instances remain exceptions rather than norms. 

Brands must brace themselves for the possibility of not witnessing direct returns on product and shipping costs.

Ethical quandaries: A shadow of ethical ambiguity looms over influencer seeding practices. Critics contend that these no-strings-attached arrangements might not be as benign as they appear. 

Drawing from the psychological concept of reciprocity, concerns arise regarding the subtle coercion that creators might feel to reciprocate generosity with promotional content. 

Such critiques underscore the delicate balance between genuine appreciation and perceived manipulation.

Nevertheless, divergent perspectives exist within the creator community regarding influencer seeding. 

While some echo concerns about ethical implications, others embrace the opportunity to explore products sans obligations.

Crafting Your Influencer Seeding Strategy

Which types of creators respond best to influencer seeding efforts? The answer might just lie in the hands of smaller-scale influencers, namely nano and micro influencers.

They often demonstrate a higher level of engagement and authenticity compared to their larger counterparts.

When it comes to influencer seeding, the strategy revolves around reaching out to creators with the aim of introducing them to your products without immediate expectations of posting or payment. 

This approach allows for organic discovery and genuine feedback, paving the way for potential future collaborations. 

While creators with substantial followings may be inundated with requests and prioritize paid partnerships, smaller influencers are often more receptive to these seeding propositions.

Crafting an effective influencer seeding strategy requires careful planning and execution. Here’s how brands can navigate this process:

Identify the right creators: Rather than casting a wide net, focus on identifying creators whose audience demographics and content align closely with your brand. Quality over quantity is key here, as you aim to establish meaningful connections with potential partners.

Reach out and gauge interest: Keep your initial outreach concise and personalized, highlighting why you believe the creator would be a valuable partner for your brand. Emphasize that the gesture is a gift with no strings attached, fostering a sense of genuine interest in their content.

Personalize the experience: Going the extra mile to make creators feel valued can set your brand apart. Consider including a handwritten note or special gesture with the product, reinforcing the sincerity of your outreach.

Track the results: While posting isn’t mandatory, creators may choose to share their experience with your product organically. Keep tabs on social media mentions and engagement to gauge the impact of your seeding efforts.

Repurpose the content: Leveraging influencer-generated content across your marketing channels can amplify its reach and effectiveness. Ensure that you have proper usage rights in place before repurposing any content.

By following these steps, brands can lay the foundation for long-term relationships with creators who genuinely resonate with their brand values.